Monday, July 1, 2013

Monsters University - Review (Spoilers)

Hey! If you know me, you know I'm a Disney Freak!

So in my opnion this movie was nothing but pure entertaining fun. It has its "Awww" moments, its "Noooo :-( " moments, and obviously its "LOL" moments.
Felt GREAT to see the origins of Mike and Sully, as Sully was this popular kid type of guy and Mike was the little nerd outcast.
It was very heartwarming to see their friendship grow, and the movie had a great message: With hard work you can make any dream possible!
Also, the movie left me wondering... Monsters INC. ends up with the whole Monster word different since now they use laughter instead of scream for energy, so all of that we see in Monsters University was replaced and modified - Which would make Mike a big shot in the current Monsters World, right? *Loves it!*

No matter your age, GO SEE THIS MOVIE.

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