Monday, July 1, 2013

After Earth - Not a Review

I was gonna review this movie, but it is SO BAD, that's it's not worth it. Sorry Will Smith, still love ya, but if you wanna release your son to stardom maybe you should have let him take some classes first. NO HATE.
Also, props for the director M. Night Shyamalan that gave the movie a little back bone. 

Monsters University - Review (Spoilers)

Hey! If you know me, you know I'm a Disney Freak!

So in my opnion this movie was nothing but pure entertaining fun. It has its "Awww" moments, its "Noooo :-( " moments, and obviously its "LOL" moments.
Felt GREAT to see the origins of Mike and Sully, as Sully was this popular kid type of guy and Mike was the little nerd outcast.
It was very heartwarming to see their friendship grow, and the movie had a great message: With hard work you can make any dream possible!
Also, the movie left me wondering... Monsters INC. ends up with the whole Monster word different since now they use laughter instead of scream for energy, so all of that we see in Monsters University was replaced and modified - Which would make Mike a big shot in the current Monsters World, right? *Loves it!*

No matter your age, GO SEE THIS MOVIE.

World War Z - Review (Spoilers)

So maybe I'm a little late for this, again, since I don't live in America most films are released later here. 
World War Z was very loosely based on the book with the same name (which I've never read), also reportedly has had major problems, where they had to rewrite the entire third part of the movie, and make a new ending.
This movie was supposed to be a trilogy and word has it that a sequel is already on the works to hit theaters later 2014. 
Now, for my humble opinion... I think the worst part about this movie is that we don't know who the main character is AND we don't know how the hell did zombies started to pop out and spread out so quickly (something about Raibis... Maybe?).
Gerry (Brad Pitt) starts the movie as a normal, very down to earth dad, and mentions his "old job", later in the film we find out he used to work for UN, and that's about it; Now out of every single person in the planet HE was the one choose to find out the origins of the Zombie Apocalipse... WHY????
Also, during the entire film he was this cool, tough guy that seems to have only a small clue on what's he was doing (but, no one knew that zombies were even a possibility, so I'll give him that). Because of his old job (I guess...) Gerry was really observant and with very few evidences found out how to camouflage the humans from the zombies.
The movie was entertaining, it really was, I will most def watch the sequel, and hey, it's Brad Pitt! It was a smart storyline, and a new take on zombies. Some scenes will blow your minds, it had great moments of excitement, but the ending felt rushed. 
Bottom of line is, me and my friends left the movies with a very uneasy feeling that we should be prepared to fight Zombies.

Friday, May 31, 2013

I'm Sorry!

It's been a while,but it's the end of my College Semester and I've been REAL busy!
No time fot TV at all! Sorry!
But I did JUST started to watch Mad Men on Netflix (I knowwwww!) and I'm hoocked!

I'll start my vacation in the next few weeks, so I'll be back here posting about the movies I've been watching!

Miss my TV :(

Have a great weekend guys!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pulp Fiction saves the day!

This is too funny to pass...

According to Super Official News (read more clicking on the link), a man stopped a robbery by just quoting Pulp Fiction:

 “He just started quoting movie lines from Pulp Fiction. The robbers kind of went berserk and then they just left.” Local hero, Paul Horner, who thwarted the would-be robbers said, “It was really lucky that I had my wallet with me that said ‘bad motherf*cker’ on it. The robbers came around demanding everybody’s wallet and I just held it up, you know like how Samuel L. Jackson did in Pulp Fiction.”
Longtime diner Susan Litchfield said it was a pretty tense moment. “The robbers asked Mr. Horner what was in his hand. He told them it was his wallet that said ‘bad motherf*cker’ on it. I’ve never seen the movie so I didn’t know what he was talking about. I just thought he was some crazy white guy with a death wish.”
“After I said the comment about my wallet the robbers started freaking out. So then in my best tough black guy voice I said to them: Normally, both your asses would be dead as f*cking fried chicken, but you happen to pull this sh*t while I’m in a transitional period so I don’t wanna kill you, I wanna help you,” Horner said. “Then the robbers looked at each other and then just ran out of the restaurant. I knew my vast knowledge of Pulp Fictionwould pay off for me one day.”
I must say it was pretty awesome!


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Things to know before asking for reviews!

I only review TV series and Movies that I obviously watched!


So even though I've been meaning to start watching Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, and Girls I still didn't have the time to catch up! (Sorry!)

I will eventually, but as in right now, the shows that I follow are HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother), New Girl, Modern Family, and OUAT (Once Upon a Time).

Also I happily watch (but don't quite follow) The Big Bang Theory, Community, Two Broke Girls, Parks and Rec, The Mindy Project, The Middle, Suburgatory, and The Office (that just had its last season *sad face*). And you can expect me writing about them.

The New Normal got canceled so I will make a post about the first and only season - next week.

As you can see I'm a Comedy kind of girl! 


The only reality show that I actually follow and love is Top Chef, but my biggest secret is KUWTK (Keeping Up With The Kardashians), LOL! Also I very much enjoy any Food/Cook related reality as well as travels... And I find Honey Boo-Boo hilarious. So every now and then, you'll see some posts on that note.


I go to the movies every week, and I'm always on Netflix too, so I'll review movies as I watch them, just remember that I don't live in the USA so the movies to hit theater here might be late!


So refer to this post when to ask for reviews!



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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Seth Meyers to Host Late Night!

So this is the talk on the town during this week, but in my opinion we will be ok! LOL
I find Seth hilarious and and he is the perfect replacement for Jimmy Fallon on the Late NightSince we will still be seing Jimmy as he takes over Jay Leno's place on the Tonight Show.

Now I won't be missing Jay, as I find that he had better days!

Of course this will all happen next year, so you'll have time to adjust to the idea!

Tell me what you think off it in the comments!

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