Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The New Normal: Why it Got Cancelled.

I really liked this series, and I figured it would go at least for four seasons (since the plot was very simple), but it got canceled after just one, so I will tell you what it was all about and why that happened.

The show was around a very lovable cast, the plot was basically a gay couple that wanted to adopt a baby via surrogate, showing as the title said a new type of family, a new normal.

And that's exactly what went wrong... Even though, I like to think our society was ready for a show like that (after all it's a reality we live in) the truth is, they weren't. Sadly we still have a lot of people that don't accept that, yes, we all are different, but we still should have the same rights. 

This show got cancelled not because the plot was bad, or the cast, not an internal fight, no real reason at all other than: the executives got scared.

Scared of the religious people, and all those hateful  ignorant speeches we all know so well!

That's a shame! If they had sticked by their show, and defended it we would  have had a chance do educate some of those people, we would have shown them, that love is love, parents are parents, people are people, feelings are feelings, and we may have different choices, may be different, but we all suffer, get hurt, love and laugh,.

We all deserve equal rights.

Maybe next time a show as brave as this comes on TV we'll all just understand, and it won't be a problem, or a shock, we all will just sit back, enjoy and relax watching a good (funny) sitcom!


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1 comment:

  1. I think it got canceled, because of the way they pushed their ideas -too harsh- onto the viewers, you know?! It was not a light comedy, it was more like a: 'swallow all of our views and opnions, because we are right' kind of show. And the viewer don't want to think about stuff after work... they just want a bit of fun!
